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Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators Media Browser
Xa kev nug

Hauj lwm lawm

Kev tsis

Ib sab ntawmNias Middle Speed ​​GranulatorsMedia Browser 

VT36-3 -  (2) -


Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators Khoom Piav Qhia

Ib sab ntawm Cov Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulator RG-16R/21R kuj hu ua qhov nruab nrab ceev granulators, tus qauv tsim nruab nrog lub tshuab tshuab, muab tso rau ib sab ntawm cov tshuab txhaj tshuaj pwm, feem ntau yog siv los tsoo cov neeg khiav, sprues, cov ntaub ntawv pov tseg me me.

Ib sab ntawm Cov Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulator Lub Cev Muaj Peev Xwm Muaj Peev Xwm ntawm 2HP thiab 5.5 HP; Lub suab tsis zoo thiab sab hauv ntawm cov hopper infeed yog tsim los nrog cov khoom siv stainless hlau. Qhov no angled infeed yog thov kom ua rau smoother ingestion ntawm loj qhov chaw thiab cov duab los ntawm lub txiav cheeb tsam.

Cov ntawv thov raug:

Txhaj molded runners thiab tsis lees paub qhov chaw

Tshuab moulded qhov chaw thiab saum / tails

Caps, sprues

Ntug trims los ntawm daim ntawv extrusion



Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators tus qauv nta:

1) Nruab nrog lub tshuab blower raws li tus qauv faib== hu ua RG-16R

2) Backside tsau hniav ntsia rau sab nraub qaum ntawm crushing chamber sab saum toj dav hlau

RG-16R Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators cutting chamber

3) Kev nyab xeeb swtich rau pub hopper thiab tshuaj ntsuam lub txaj, kom paub tseeb tias rotor tsis ua haujlwm kiag li thaum qhib lub hopper pub mis lossis tshuaj ntsuam lub txaj

4) Pub hopper flange nrog cov khoom siv roj hmab, tiv thaiv cov hmoov av

5) Ob-Walled Hopper & Base Tsim

6) Sab hauv ntawm pub hopper ua los ntawm stainless hlau

7) Nruab nrog casters thiaj li txav tau yooj yim.

  Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators RG-16R casters


Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators Optional Features:

1) Hopper Transparent Windows

Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators feeding hopper

2) CE Tsim los yog Custom Voltages Muaj lossis Cutoms tsim

3) Square lub thawv rau kev tuav haujlwm kom tshem tawm cov khoom tawg

square box for RG-16R middle speed granulators

4) Ob txheej pub hopper ua los ntawm Stainless hlau

5) Square box rau Auto loader suction

Square box for Auto loader suction for RG-16R

Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws:



Ib sab ntawm Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators Txheej Txheem Ua Haujlwm:

Ib sab-tus-xovxwm granulator nrog blower system installation daim duab

(Rhong Standard faib rau Medium Speed ​​Granulator)


Ib sab-tus-xovxwm granulator nrogProportional valve feeding systemdaim duab installation

(Rhong yeem yuav khoom rau nruab nrab ceev Granulator)


Nrhiav zoo tagnrho me me Granulators Chaw tsim tshuaj paus & tsum

Peb muaj kev xaiv dav ntawm tus nqi zoo los pab koj kom muaj tswv yim. Tag nrho cov Medium Speed ​​Granulator yog zoo guaranteed. Peb yog Tuam Tshoj keeb kwm Hoobkas ntawm nruab nrab ceev Crushers. Yog tias koj muaj lus nug, thov koj xav tiv tauj peb.

Ib sab ntawm Cov Xovxwm Nruab Nrab Ceev Granulators RG-16R/21R Muag tau zoo heev ib txwm pom hauv qab no:

RG-16R  Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators

RG-16R Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators

Beside The Press Middle Speed Granulators RG-16R wooden case

Cim npe nrov: Dgasa, Qe Carton Ntau Lawm Kab

Sau npe kom tau txais qhov hloov tshiab tshiab.

tst fail tst fail